19.03.2021 10:12
It is common for people to think that interpreter should master his/her working languages perfectly. This idea can cause quite a lot of stress for language specialists. In his book Undiplomatic Activities (2007), Richard Woolcott, who served as Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia for four years (1988–1992), described some comical and awkward incidents regarding interpreting. Before the book was even published, the French magazine Bulletin wrote an article of it with quotations about interpreting.
01.03.2021 19:11
European artists of the Middle Age often painted and sculptured Moses, the greatest of all prophets and the author of Torah, as an elderly bearded man with big horns on his head. It continued until 1592, when the Council of Trent officially admitted that in the original text, Moses came down from Mount Sinai with his face radiating light, not with horns on his head.